Ultimate Spiderman Fan

Welcome to the Spider-Man Merch Portal Challenge! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to harness your web-slinging skills and become the ultimate Spider-Fan. Are you ready to prove your worth and claim your rightful place among the elite Spider-Fans?

Author: L0xm1


When we visit the challenge link, we are greeted with a Spiderman Merch Shopping Portal where we can purchase Spiderman merchandise. Among the offerings is a "Spider Surprise" priced at $5000, exclusively available to ultimate fans. Upon purchasing any Spiderman merch, a cookie named shopping_token is set, containing a JWT token. Let's proceed to jwt.io to decode this token.

Our objective is to get the Spider Surprise priced at $5000. To achieve this, we will modify the amount in the JWT token to 5000 and change the algorithm to None. Subsequently, we will update the shopping_token cookie with the updated JWT eyJhbGciOiJOb25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJhbW91bnQiOjUwMDB9.StIPl3HpNpEElSOleho_cOlC2YLRHewcpLI2xkG42AQ. This challenge is based on exploiting the JWT-None algorithm vulnerability.

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