
Description: No bypass!
Author: Av4nth1ka


In this challenge, we have a few restricted characters: single quotes ('), double quotes ("), backticks (), dots (.), dollar signs ($), or forward slashes (/) and restricted functions require, include.

Payload: http://localhost:8080/?command=highlight_file(glob(%22fl*txt%22)[0]);

The payload uses the highlight_file()function in combination with theglob()function to find the file with a name starting with "fl" and ending with "txt". Theglob()function returns an array of matching file paths. By using glob("fl*txt")[0], we get the first matching file path, which is then passed to the highlight_file()` function.

Flag: shaktictf{y0u_byp4553d_7h3_f1l73r5_y4y}