

I love challenges !! Here is a Real Task for you.

Author: k1n0r4

Difficulty level: Medium

Points: 300

Category: Reverse Engineering


The given file is a windows executable but on using a decompiler to decompile this binary does not give us much information.

On executing the file, we get an interface which looks like this


So well, this is a flag checker. Let's try to analyse the source code of this binary.

Performing strings on the executable, gives up the output something like this


This indicates towards the fact that the executable is UPX packed. Unpack the binary using UPX and view it in a decompiler.

One easy way to go the main crux of the windows binaries is using strings and find the location of the crucial strings


Here we find quite a lot of interesting strings, which can lead us to the important functions of the binary.

Well, seems like we found an important function sub_140011BF0


Input is taken via the api GetWindowTextA into the variable Src.

Function sub_1400110BEseems some sort of check for it to print the win statement "Congratulations!!!"


On entering that function, we find the following operations being performed on the input taken

  • Flag length check to be 36


  • Characters at odd index number are xorred with 0x38 and stored in a new array v8


  • Subtract 5 from each of the characters


  • Convert the entire input of length 36 to 6X6 matrix


  • 4 Swaps
    • Swap 1: 1st and 4th row
    • Swap 2: 2nd and 5th column
    • Swap 3: 2nd and 6th row
    • Swap 4: 3rd and 4th column


  • Some constraints performed on the manipulated input


These constraints can be solved using a constraint solver called z3.

Solution Script

Here is the entire script -

from z3 import *

matr = [[Int(f'matr_{i}_{j}') for j in range(6)] for i in range(6)]

sol = Solver()

sol.add(matr[2][4] + matr[1][0] - matr[3][0] == 106)
sol.add(matr[5][2] + matr[1][4] - matr[4][5] == 174) 
sol.add(matr[0][2] + matr[5][4] - matr[2][5] == 111) 
sol.add(matr[3][0] + matr[2][2] - matr[4][4] == 19) 
sol.add(matr[1][3] + matr[3][5] - matr[0][2] == 16) 
sol.add(matr[3][3] + matr[0][1] - matr[4][3] == 75) 
sol.add(matr[0][5] + matr[4][2] - matr[1][0] == 111) 
sol.add(matr[2][1] + matr[3][2] - matr[5][3] == 83) 
sol.add(matr[1][2] + matr[4][3] - matr[4][2] == 113) 
sol.add(matr[3][2] + matr[0][2] - matr[0][5] == 89) 
sol.add(matr[4][2] + matr[2][5] - matr[5][5] == 141) 
sol.add(matr[1][0] + matr[0][5] - matr[2][3] == 115) 
sol.add(matr[2][2] + matr[4][5] - matr[5][1] == 18) 
sol.add(matr[5][0] + matr[4][1] - matr[0][3] == 155) 
sol.add(matr[0][0] + matr[3][3] - matr[3][1] == 84) 
sol.add(matr[3][4] + matr[1][1] - matr[2][1] == 31) 
sol.add(matr[1][5] + matr[2][3] - matr[4][0] == 187) 
sol.add(matr[4][3] + matr[0][3] - matr[1][1] == 102) 
sol.add(matr[0][4] + matr[2][1] - matr[5][2] == 51) 
sol.add(matr[2][5] + matr[4][4] - matr[2][2] == 141) 
sol.add(matr[1][4] + matr[3][1] - matr[0][0] == 102) 
sol.add(matr[5][5] + matr[3][4] - matr[3][2] == 40) 
sol.add(matr[0][1] + matr[4][0] - matr[2][0] == 22) 
sol.add(matr[4][4] + matr[1][5] - matr[1][2] == 109) 
sol.add(matr[3][5] + matr[3][0] - matr[4][1] == 95) 
sol.add(matr[1][1] + matr[0][0] + matr[5][4] == 184) 
sol.add(matr[4][1] + matr[2][0] - matr[0][1] == 60) 
sol.add(matr[3][1] + matr[1][2] - matr[3][3] == 96) 
sol.add(matr[5][3] + matr[5][0] - matr[1][4] == 73) 
sol.add(matr[0][3] + matr[5][5] + matr[5][0] == 135) 
sol.add(matr[4][5] + matr[2][4] - matr[1][3] == 130) 
sol.add(matr[2][3] + matr[1][3] + matr[3][4] == 179) 
sol.add(matr[5][4] + matr[5][1] - matr[0][4] == 87) 
sol.add(matr[2][0] + matr[0][4] - matr[2][4] == 83) 
sol.add(matr[5][1] + matr[5][3] - matr[3][5] == 64) 
sol.add(matr[0][0] + matr[0][1] + matr[0][2] + matr[0][3] + matr[0][4] + matr[0][5] == 458) 
sol.add(matr[1][0] + matr[1][1] + matr[1][2] + matr[1][3] + matr[1][4] + matr[1][5] == 425)
sol.add(matr[2][0] + matr[2][1] + matr[2][2] + matr[2][3] + matr[2][4] + matr[2][5] == 445)
sol.add(matr[3][0] + matr[3][1] + matr[3][2] + matr[3][3] + matr[3][4] + matr[3][5] == 526)
sol.add(matr[4][0] + matr[4][1] + matr[4][2] + matr[4][3] + matr[4][4] + matr[4][5] == 418)
sol.add(matr[5][0] + matr[5][1] + matr[5][2] + matr[5][3] + matr[5][4] + matr[5][5] == 522)
sol.add(matr[0][0] + matr[1][0] + matr[2][0] + matr[3][0] + matr[4][0] + matr[5][0] == 394)
sol.add(matr[0][1] + matr[1][1] + matr[2][1] + matr[3][1] + matr[4][1] + matr[5][1] == 382)
sol.add(matr[0][2] + matr[1][2] + matr[2][2] + matr[3][2] + matr[4][2] + matr[5][2] == 560)    
sol.add(matr[0][3] + matr[1][3] + matr[2][3] + matr[3][3] + matr[4][3] + matr[5][3] == 357)
sol.add(matr[0][4] + matr[1][4] + matr[2][4] + matr[3][4] + matr[4][4] + matr[5][4] == 599)
sol.add(matr[0][5] + matr[1][5] + matr[2][5] + matr[3][5] + matr[4][5] + matr[5][5] == 502)

if sol.check() == sat:
    model = sol.model()
    result_matrix = [[model.evaluate(matr[i][j]) for j in range(6)] for i in range(6)]
    print("Satisfiable solution found:")
    print("No satisfiable solution found.")

matrix = [[0 for j in range(6)] for i in range(6)]

for i in range(6):
    for j in range(6):
        matrix[i][j] = result_matrix[i][j].as_long()

for row in matrix:

for i in range(6):
    matrix[i][2],matrix[i][3] = matrix[i][3],matrix[i][2]

for j in range(6):
    matrix[1][j],matrix[5][j] = matrix[5][j],matrix[1][j]

for k in range(6):
    matrix[k][1],matrix[k][4] = matrix[k][4],matrix[k][1]

for a in range(6):
    matrix[0][a],matrix[3][a] = matrix[3][a],matrix[0][a]

for b in range(36):
    matrix[b//6][b%6] += 5

for x in range(36):
    if x % 2 == 0:
        print(chr(matrix[x//6][x%6] ^ 0x38),end='')

