Fishy File

Challenge Description

We have got a confidential file from a criminal's system but we're unable to retrieve anything from the file. Can you help us?

Challenge Author



The given file is a pdf file where the bytes are reversed. The first step is to change the file extension. Let's now write a script to get the actual pdf file.

f1 = open("flag.pdf", "w")
with open("shakti.pdf", "r") as myfile:
    data =
rev = data[::-1]

Binwalk command shows us that a pdf and an image file are embedded in flag.pdf. Let's extract the files using the following command.

foremost flag.pdf

The extracted pdf file is a rabbit hole. We only get a fake flag. So let's now focus on the png file.

The extracted png file is corrupted. Fix IHDR, IDAT and IEND chunks to get the flag.

