
Challenge Description

The 'Government Code and Cypher School' was founded with a single purpose: that of breaking the German Enigma Code, which they thought to be non-reversible. But later it was broken by her and her team.

Hashes are said to be reversible too. Do you think you can reverse this hash though?

Short writeup

Perform bruteforce attack to get the flag. Length of the flag is only 5 characters, making it easy to brute force.

import string
import hashlib

x = "cb7a53dd721f4ca90b8fd3dbdabeda5a".decode("hex")
chars = list(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)

for i in chars:
    for j in chars:
        for k in chars:
            for a in chars:
                for b in chars:
                    m = hashlib.md5()
                    m.update("shaktictf{" + i+j+k+a+b + "}")
                    if m.digest() == x:
                        print "shaktictf{" + i+j+k+a+b + "}"

Challenge Author


